Tailwind Havayolları İspanya’ya tıbbi malzeme ulaştırdı
Sivil Havacılık sektörünün köklü şirketi Tailwind Havayolları, dünyanın koronavirüsle mücadelesine destek olmaya devam ediyor. Tahliye uçuşlarıyla insanları sevdiklerine ulaştıran Tailwind, kargo seferleriyle de tıbbı malzeme sevk ediyor. Tailwind Havayolları ilk kargo seferi ile İzmir'den İspanya’ya tıbbı malzeme taşıdı.

Asia is on the Target for Tailwind Airlines
Mehmet Bostan, CEO of Tailwind Airlines told that the company operates charter flights from many destinations in Europe and Near East countries to popular touristic centres of Turkey. Tailwind has become one of the most reliable airline companies despite its relatively moderate size and added, "In addition to European countries, we enhance our brand value by taking small but firm steps in Asian countries".

Tailwind Airlines started its Amman flights
Tailwind Airlines started to operate flights to Amman through a joint work with Pegas Turistik and Tania Tours. The first flight to Amman had 75 passengers and greeted with a water salute at Queen Alia International Airport .

Kadri Muhiddin, CEO of AMAC Aerospace Group was chosen as the best CEO of the Private Aviation Industry
Kadri Muhiddin, CEO of AMAC Aerospace VIP aircraft maintenance and modification company and chairman of Tailwind Airlines was awarded Best CEO of the Private Aviation Industry. The award presented by the Business Worldwide Magazine was given according to the success and ethics of executives of global companies

The Best CEO in Europe Award of the Year to Kadri Muhiddin, CEO of AMAC Aerospace
Kadri Muhiddin, CEO of AMAC Aerospace/SWITZERLAND, the world's largest privately funded aviation centre for VIP aircraft maintenance and modification and transformation was awarded the best CEO of the private aviation industry by "European CEO" , one of the most popular magazines in Europe. Kadri Muhiddin is also the chairman of our company, Tailwind Airlines.